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LEADING an organization as big as the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Philippines is not just a huge challenge but an enormous task delegated to its newly installed national president, a Dabawenyo.

Atty. Mark Peter Manalo Quilaneta, a senior partner of Law Firm United (LFU) who also runs his businesses, is not a new name in serving communities and giving his time for the welfare of many. He played a significant role in the success of different JCI-led initiatives in Mindanao, being the non-profit organization’s former Area V Vice President (Mindanao). From education and health-focused programs to economic and business development interventions, the name “Mac” is surely instrumental in their implementation.

Mac’s JCI journey

The JCI Philippines 2024 National President (NP) started his journey with the organization in 2008 as a JCI Davao (formerly Davao Jaycees) member. As a student back then, he had no leadership plans. Nonetheless, it was during those times that he found great friends and even the opportunity to bond with some family members who were active in their respective JCI local organizations.

“I was lucky to be in a group of highly diverse individuals who aimed to promote and develop one’s strengths and capacities,” he said. “The fellowships, get-togethers, and strong mantra of transforming leaders in different development areas motivated me to be part of JCI and stay on.”

With his years in the organization, Mac discovered that JCI is not just for fun. Likewise, “it is for the betterment of one’s self and business, and making opportunities, projects, and programs are to be considered by-products of such. Over the years, it allowed and helped me become the person I am today.”

From being a member, the 36-year-old leader was eventually designated as JCI Davao director, the very first position he held that opened several doors for him. Altogether, these molded him towards creating waves of impact from one community to the next.

“It opened my eyes to the idea that I, even as an ordinary person, can help others. JCI Davao, with our flagship programs, created a positive change not only for its members but also for the people we serve. After seeing that side of JCI, I realized that this organization is more than fellowships: it is a leadership and entrepreneurship training ground,” he quipped.

Before becoming the 2024 NP, Mac was the 2023 National Executive Vice President, tasked to oversee all the national programs. He also became the 2022 National Secretary General.

“For this year, since JCI Philippines is celebrating its 75th anniversary, we are bringing back all the programs that have been with JCI Philippines for years,” he noted.

Navigating JCI Philippines

As the newly installed NP of JCI Philippines, Mac is bent on navigating the entire organization further to create more impact on the grassroots.

“JCI comprises the voices of its people. It means that we collectively share our insights, plans, proposals, and ideas to better serve our people and the communities,” he said.

NP Mac revealed that during the campaign, he listened and took note of what the national organization needed to improve.

“Following our JCI Action Framework, we see to it that we analyze the situations and overall dynamics that need to be addressed first,” he said. “Our move to strengthen JCI’s relationship as an organization with various government units, agencies, and groups will be manifested through our data-driven innovations and technological transformation.”

Mac narrated that JCI Philippines, through the entire 2024 National Board, is opening its programs to a Swiss challenge this year. LOs can present innovative solutions to fit the current needs of society by employing a data-driven approach, ensuring the implementation of people-centered initiatives and interventions rather than being organization-focused.

“The 2024 National Board seeks to extend full respect for members’ rights, the rule of our constitution and by-laws, effective participation to local, national, and international multi-sectoral partnerships, transparent and accountable processes, efficient data-driven innovation, and improve the organization’s technological aspect,” he disclosed.

A Dabawenyo leader at the helm

As a proud Dabawenyo, Mac is committed to bringing with him his city’s honor: A promise to showcase how a Dabawenyo leader thinks more of others, rather than himself.

“I want to show to everyone that I am a leader who is concerned with the general welfare of the people rather than creating divides. Moreover, we bring with us the hospitality and warm accommodating arms of the Davao people,” beamed Mac who describes himself as a springboard kind of leader.

“Sturdy, as I am geared with immense passion to serve and assist any group or individual, even towards enterprise promotion or economic development. As a whole, my leadership reflects resiliency, with the right mix of passion and action,” he said.

For over 48 years since the previous National President of JCI Davao, in the person of 1976 National President Sebastian “Angie” Angliongto, Mac takes pride in bringing to the national scene JCI Davao’s brand of leadership.

Mac banners the theme “LEAD TO SERVE”, in his national presidency, which emphasizes the concept of leadership that is rooted in service. By leading with a service-oriented mindset, leaders can inspire and empower those around them, and foster growth and collective success. For him, true leaders prioritize the needs and well-being of others, using their position and influence in making a positive impact.

“All promises shall be fulfilled, and all plans and programs must be implemented according to the calendar and things agreed upon,” he concluded.





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