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Why Mabalacat Needs a New City Hall

In some parts of Mabalacat, small “barbershop” discussions have been brewing over two projects: the construction of a new city hall or a public hospital. While both are undoubtedly significant in their own right, I firmly believe that Mabalacat City's immediate priority should be the construction of a new city hall.

The local government unit (LGU) of Mabalacat City, under the leadership of Mayor Cris Garbo, has already earned a name for its comprehensive medical and hospitalization program. The Mabalaqueños enjoy substantial assistance in healthcare services owing to this program, specifically when it comes to hospitalization in local private hospitals. As a result, the city's current health infrastructure is robust, capable, and more importantly, appreciated and recognized across the region.

Moreover, Mayor Garbo has already revealed plans to transfer the District Hospital to the city. This move would further compound the city's capacity to cater to its residents' health needs, making the need for a new public hospital less pressing.

Creating a public hospital, while a noble endeavor, would be a more complicated, costly, and time-consuming project. It involves a significant budget for construction, not to mention the operational expenses incurred afterward. The hiring of a significant number of professionals and staff also means a recurring expense that could potentially strain the city's budget. Furthermore, a public hospital would typically start at a primary level, lacking the sophisticated equipment often found in established private institutions, which could limit its potential impact.

In other regions, such as the National Capital Region (NCR), we have witnessed the challenges faced by several local government units (LGUs) in maintaining and operating public hospitals. In some cases, these LGUs were forced to privatize their local hospitals due to the immense complexities and financial burdens associated with their operation. Their experiences serve as a valuable lesson for Mabalacat City, highlighting the potential difficulties that can arise when undertaking the construction and operation of a public hospital. By focusing on a new city hall, Mabalacat City can avoid potential pitfalls and instead channel its resources towards a project that promises long-term benefits and sustainable development.

One of the compelling factors favoring the construction of a new city hall in Mabalacat City is its highly accessible location. The proposed site for the new government center is strategically positioned at the center of the city in barangay Camachilles, along the prominent MacArthur Highway. This prime location ensures convenient access for residents from all walks of life, making it easily reachable for both urban and rural communities alike. The central placement along a major road artery not only enhances the city's visibility but also facilitates efficient transportation, allowing residents to engage with their local government and avail themselves of essential services without unnecessary travel burdens. This accessibility factor further solidifies the new city hall's potential as a vibrant hub for community engagement and inclusivity, promoting a sense of unity and cohesion among Mabalaqueños.

Moreover, a new city hall could serve as a symbol of the city's growth and development, a testament to its progress and ambition. It could house improved public offices, offer better services, and provide a more suitable environment for the city's administration. More than a mere building, a city hall represents the heart of the community, where citizens can gather, interact, and participate in local governance.

Furthermore, a new city hall is a one-time investment with longerlasting benefits and less operational overhead compared to a hospital. It could also boost local pride, attracting more businesses and investors to the city, eventually leading to a more robust economy.

While a public hospital is indeed an essential facility, Mabalacat City's comprehensive healthcare program and the forthcoming transfer of the District Hospital make it less of an immediate concern. Instead, building a new city hall could act as a catalyst for the city's progress, symbolizing growth and inspiring unity among its residents. In the grand scheme of Mabalacat City's development, a new city hall seems to be the logical and beneficial choice.


Kuya J Pelayo IV is a Kapampangan broadcast journalist. For comments and suggestions, e-mail at





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