Sun.Star Digital Editions

LAC as school-based continuing professional development strategy

COTCOT-TALABIS Elementary School Teachers and School Head conducted School Learning Action Cell (LAC) to improve the teaching Learning process and Learners achievement. This is done on a staggered basis from Sept. to Dec. 2020.

The topic during the LAC session includes the Learning Delivery Modalities 2 (LDM2) Course for Teachers. This course aims to know the different LDMs and platforms: their features, uses, and pedagogies, Plan for the implementation of the school-adopted LDMs, prepare learning materials and resources needed for the LDM, and to be confident in executing lessons in the new LDM.

This is a task-oriented course that combines guided study using self-learning modules and colearning and collaboration through the Learning Action Cell (LAC).

Learning Action Cell is conducted to improve the teaching Learning process and Learners achievement. Therefore, the teachers and school head review instructional concerns, and work together for the improvement of school performance. Esther Bugtong

Teachers’ Nook




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