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Tublay farmer returns lost cash

Jonathan Llanes Sun*Star Reporter

AN HONEST farmer from Ba-ayan, Tublay, Benguet was lauded by Tublay Municipal Police Station (TMPS) for returning a bag containing cash amounting to P133,800.75 which he found on Christmas day.

Mando Alonzo said he found a sling bag while passing through Sitio Sayatan, Baayan Road, Tublay, Benguet.

Upon inspection, Alonzo was surprised to discover that it contained a huge amount of cash and conducted further search for any identification that would reveal the identity of the owner of the bag.

Alonzo called the owner, Roger Santiago, 29 – years – old, resident of Poblacion,

Bauko, Mt. Province and agreed to meet at the police station for proper turn over.

The farmer immediately proceeded to the police station and sought the assistance of Police Master Sergeant Ronald Neil Bagta of Tublay MPS.

Bagta and Alonzo checked the items and cash inside the wallet before it was turned over to Santiago who

in return thanked Alonzo for his honesty and kindness.

Brigadier General R’win Pagkalinawan, Police Regional Office – Cordillera regional director meanwhile lauded the farmer for his honesty.

“As workers under the informal sector struggle having no fixed employment amidst the crisis brought by the Covid19 pandemic, this act of kindness by the Tublay farmer proves the innate honesty of Cordillera people and is greatly praised by the PRO – COR,” said Pagkalinawan.





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